
WIL FILM has produced several short films during its time in business. Over the years we have created all kinds of projects. We started creating TV commercials back in 2002 but over time we created awarded short films. The award-winning short ”Tupilaq” having a duration of 6 minutes, while its short ”Digital Romance” lasts for 11 minutes have won several awards around the world. These animated shorts merge concise storytelling with an original concept, delivered with stunning visuals. 

You can have your own short film if you want. Also known as shorts can be less than 40 minutes duration, they can vary in length and story. You can be the creator of your own story and we would be the experts behind it.

Hugo & Holger

Hugo og Holger Wil Film animation production
Play Video about Hugo og Holger Wil Film animation production

Synopsis: Our main character Hugo is always dreaming about getting a dog. When he finally meets Holger, his wish comes true, thinking he’s a big puppy dog. But Holger is, in fact, a baby elephant, who willingly becomes Hugo’s puppy. It is about the eyes that see it! A Friendship starts, and flourishes, it is challenged and opens up for more fantastic discoveries and experiences, with the outside world in wonderment. Beautifully animated with only the guide of a narrator, told with lots of subtle action and humor. The story unfolds through the fantasy and perspective of a child and the natural way children view the world around them, by making everything into a playful game.

Genre: Animation. 

Written by Ole Dalgaard / Oscar K
Directed by Teddy Kristiansen
Produced by Wil Film in 2019

Trailer by  Tre Tosser


TUPILAQ short film Wil Film animation production
Play Video

2D Animated short directed and written by Jakob Maqe. Produced at WIL FILM in 2012.

Synopsis: ”Tupilaq” is a very personal short film revolving around the themes of cultural alienation, abuse and the contrast between mythological nature and western culture. ”Tupilaq” gives us a heartbreaking peek into a traditional Greenlandic background in contrast to western society. The film uses the tupilaq as a symbol of both, the spirit of a forefather and a curse.

”Tupilaq” has received 2 1st. Prizes have been highlighted at SUNDANCE – 2015 and have been officially selected at multiple festivals. 

For more information on the film please check the Tupilaq website.

Genre: 2D Animation. Drama.


three fools short film Wil Film animation production
Play Video

Synopsis: In a search for a place to settle down, the three friends Blue, Yellow and Green find their friendship being ruined by greed and headless competition. Only when Blue and Yellow have destroyed all surrounding natural resources they discover that Green has found the true values in life on a mountaintop, in modest harmony with nature and surrounded by family and love.

”Three Fools” has recently been nominated THE WORLD ANIMATION CELEBRATION 2015 and has been officially selected at multiple festivals. To find out more about it, browse the AWARDS AND FESTIVALS section below.

Genre: Animation. Children & Youth.

Directed and written by Snobar Avani and Peter Hausner.

Produced at Wil Film in 2014.

For more information on the film please check the “Three Fools” website.

Trailer: Tre Tosser

Digital Romance

Digital Romance short film Wil Film animation production
Play Video

Synopsis: One cold winter evening the computer game Brutal Bullet becomes infected by a destructive virus; a virus of burning red two’s hitting the computer’s binary number system of white zero’s and one’s. “Kane Skullhead” the main character of the game, can suddenly feel a beat inside his chest; a beat of life that activates the antivirus in the computer and starts a chase of life and death, which will eventually reach beyond his own world and have him collide with the world of a beautiful ballerina.

Genre: Animation. Family.

Written and directed by Michael Helmuth Hansen.

Produced by WIL FILM in January 2016.

For more information on the film please check the “Digital Romance” website.

Trailer: Digital Romance